Gold Metamorphosis – Traditional Premium Olive Oil
Olive oil from groves tended to by monks for hundreds of years, with all the dedication and thoroughness their religious duty entails, is what “Gold Metamorphosis” company in Molaous of Laconia in Greece brings to your table. These monks chose the best locations for planting on hilly slopping terrain with natural drainage -the type of drainage that allows the trees to produce a full bodied extra virgin traditional olive oil with very low acidity and delicate well-balanced taste naturally rich in Polyphenols.

At an altitude of 300 meters above sea level, the olive groves of “Gold Metamorphosis” bear fruits in controlled and certified fields regarding their methods of fertilizing, cultivation and harvesting in order to consist a Protected Geographical Indication of Laconia (PGI Laconia) product and deliver an excellent extra virgin traditional olive oil of top quality and of the highest standards. The daily intake of just 2 tablespoons or 30ml of “Gold Metamorphosis” products provides numerous significant health benefits, given the high amounts of polyphenols and antioxidants found in this cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.