Lovers of Nature and of a healthy cuisine, we work a so-called reasoned agriculture. That is to say we intervene only if there is an emergency. We grow associated crops, limit tillage, make spring crops to limit diseases and insects and look for older varieties that are more resistant to diseases. We are mechanically involved in spring weeding with old material from the 1950s, and when we really need to intervene, we try to find organic products. Also we have installed on the farm a cleaning, sorting and bagging line with bucket lifts to prevent damage to the seeds. Then with a stone grinder followed by a purifier, we can make fresh flour and semolina of extraordinary quality.
Saveurs de nos terres was created in 2016 and all its products are grown in Serazereux or Saint Jean de Rebervilliers. Concerned about the environment, we practice sustainable growing techniques:
Our products are packed at the farm. We have created a chain that allows us to clean, sort and pack. Our goal is to be able to offer quality local products at more affordable prices.
Our products
Dry vegetables: Flageolet beans, white beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, green lentils, coral lentils.
Popcorn (to be popped): as an aperitif or as a snack.
Green lentil flour, coral lentil flour: the lentil flour is gluten-free and very nutritionally rich, it is the most iron-rich legume. It is used as a base or binding of soups or broths. It is ideal as a supplement to other gluten-free flours, for making pastries such as chocolate moelleux, shortbreads, financiers and cakes. In addition to neutral flour like rice flour, it brings a nice touch of color. Characterized by its light taste, but strong at the same time, it brings a sweet and pleasant flavor to both salty and sweet preparations. It is a very interesting ingredient for the realization of white sauces. These flours have nice colors: light pistachio green for green lentils and very soft orange for coral lentils.
Chickpea flour, chickpea semolina: Gluten-free, it is an excellent source of protein and fibers, more than wheat. It is used in more original preparations: pizza dough, pancakes, patties like steak, vegetable fritters, Farinata, shortbreads, naan, soccas, panisses (chickpea fries) but also for dishes like hummus, fallafels…. It can be used in combination with starch but it can substitute wheat flour entirely even in breads.
These lentil and chickpea flours are gluten-free, but since we work wheat, despite all our efforts to clean the mill and accessories, traces could remain in our products.

Saveurs de nos Terres products
Fresh wheat flour: T65, semi-complete, complete and integral. 100% freshly ground stone flour from old wheat selected at the farm. The grain is carefully ground, without pressure, by abrasion between two large stone wheels. A gentle grinding at low temperature makes it possible to obtain high quality flour. And, the most important: the seed of the grain stays in the flour! Our flours made this way make us travel in the past and help us rediscover the taste of our grandmothers’ kitchens. The flour is packed in bags, protected from light and moisture. We recommend that they are stored in a cool place. Fresh flour has exceptional taste and nutritional qualities because it has just been ground and all the vitamins and nutrients it contains are present in the package.
Les légumes secs sont donc les bienvenus dans notre régime alimentaire. Les légumineuses sont très économiques et elles se conservent très longtemps.
Leguminous plants
As a source of vegetable proteins, they are valuable substitutes for animal proteins and are consumed in vegetarian diets. Combined with cereals, they represent a protein equivalent to that of meat.
Leguminous plants are good for our diet. They are very economical and can be kept for a very long time
“Terres d’Eure-et-Loir” is a brand created and filed in 2002 by the Chamber of Agriculture, with the support of the General Council of Eure-et-Loir, to allow the public to better know and better identify products. of the soil of our department. Eure-et-Loir is often considered as the breadbasket of France. But it’s not just that. The producers of Eure-et-Loir have been able to highlight their traditions and their know-how by selling their products live, on the farm, in markets or in local shops.
They are now 118 members of the brand: 90 producers or artisans, 34 stores, 3 restaurants and 1 caterer.
The treasures of Eurelian gastronomy
Eure-et-Loir is made up of five small natural regions, namely Perche, Pays Chartrain, Beauce, Drouais and Pays Dunois. The diversity of these terroirs is at the origin of the great variety of our products: fruits, vegetables, poultry, cider, beer, lemonade, jam, cheese, oil, flour, but also sparkling strawberry, spreads, macaroons …
Who are the members of Terres d’Eure-et-Loir?
The brand is aimed at farmers and artisans in Eure-et-Loir who sell their products for direct sale or through a short circuit (with only one intermediary). The Terres d’Eure-et-Loir product must be identified with its producer.
Restaurants and farm and / or local produce stores that commit to work with at least 6 brand producers by clearly indicating them in their establishment, may display the Terres d’Eure-et-Loir brand. They are then recognized as ‘distributor of brand products’.
Why have you created a brand?
The brand allows you to better identify the products of our department. It also offers producers the opportunity to highlight the quality and proximity of their products. Finally, Terres d’Eure-et-Loir has created a unit within the local producers of the department.

Saveurs de nos Terres legumes
The attribution of the mark
It is the Chamber of Agriculture, owner of the mark and the logo which attributes Terres d’Eure-et-Loir, by means of the respect of the charter and the passage in commission of attribution. To assure the consumer of the quality of the products, each member of the brand agrees to respect a charter, which specifies the conditions of production and the origin of the products. The mark guarantees the local origin of the product, the raw materials that constitute it and / or the know-how necessary to obtain it. The award committee is composed of agricultural professionals and producers’ representatives. The products are noted on their presentation, their taste quality, their “nose” and their appearance.
The Eure-et-Loir
Eure-et-Loir is part of the Center region. The department is at the crossroads of three regions: the Ile de France, Normandy and the Center. Eure-et-Loir is bordering the departments of Loir-et-Cher, Loiret, Essonne, Yvelines, Eure, Orne and Sarthe. Eure and Loir are the main rivers of the department, hence its name.
The department extends to the south-west of the Parisian agglomeration and includes several plateaux of the Paris Basin: in the north, the Thimerais in the east, La Beauce to the south, the Dunois. In the west of the department, the relief rises and forms the hills of the Perche, adjoining both Normandy and the Pays de la Loire. The department has also benefited from the creation of the Perche Regional Nature Park.
The forest, with nearly 72,000 hectares, is also present: Senonches and Dreux sheltering the most important massifs. The Eure Valley is also a green and wooded plot that contrasts with the adjoining beauceron plateau.
Perche-Gouët marks the transition between Beauce and Perche.
The Royal Valley of Eure
With an exceptional cultural heritage, the royal valley of the Eure is linked to the great and the little history of France: it shelters the houses of the great mistresses of the Kings of France in Maintenon and Anet where the furnished rooms, the boudoirs and the gardens witness the secret love affairs of Madame de Maintenon and Diane de Poitiers. In Dreux, the Royal Chapel, necropolis of the Orleans family, is a true jewel of the arts of the nineteenth century.
The Perche, Regional Natural Park
150 km from Paris, the Perche is a green escape to relax, in peace, in a preserved environment. Manoirs, forests, parks and gardens, Percheron horses, local produce, the Perche is appreciated and discovered at the rhythm of its quiet roads.
The Regional Natural Park of Perche, reveals its hills capped with forests, groves and pastures, hollow ways but also its built inheritance: Nogent Rotrou, capital of the counts of Perche whose keep overlooks the green valley of the Huisne, the abbey from Thiron-Gardais or the estate of La Ferté-Vidame.
City steeped in history, Chartres is dominated by the Notre-Dame Cathedral, UNESCO World Heritage. A triple masterpiece of architecture, the cathedral of Chartres contains a unique collection of medieval stained glass windows witnessing a lively art and presented at the International Stained Glass Center. But it was at night, on the occasion of Chartres en Lumières, that the city dressed in its finest clothes! Every evening from April to the end of September, a grandiose scenography highlights more than twenty monuments of the city (and the cathedral of course!). A route to discover on foot or by small tourist train.
The Route du Ble en Beauce, thematic circuit, promotes the discovery of this unexpected and unusual territory dotted with windmills, castles, manor houses, painted churches, farms and wind turbines. The Route du Blé en Beauce comes alive with many events, including the fair of Laines, medieval festival, which takes place every year in Châteaudun … At the heart of the wheat granary of France, the House of the Beauce presents a new vision of the Beauce.
The Upper Loir Valley
Le Loir takes its source not far from Illiers-Combray, cradle of the work of Marcel Proust, who drew inspiration from his work “In Search of Lost Time”. The house of Aunt Léonie, the Pré Catelan or the Château de Villebon, transport us between fiction and reality in the world of Proust. The Loir then meanders peacefully in a wide valley between the picturesque village of Bonneval, Green Venice of the Beauce, and Châteaudun, which from the top of its castle offers a breathtaking view of the river, which it overhangs over 60 m!