Red wine has been studied extensively and evidence suggests that moderate consumption may help people live longer, protect against certain cancers, improve mental health, and enhance heart health. Millenia ago, wine was used to treat various health conditions and modern science has indicated that this could be true. However, any health benefits only apply to moderate drinking.

What’s so special then about a red dry wine from vineyards a few kilometres away from Athens, Greece’s capital? Well, first of all “Liepouris Winery Ancient Hills” takes two greek varieties of grapes, Mandilaria and Agiorgitiko, to produce. Secondly, it is aged in oak barrels for at least twelve months. And last but not least, the low yield per hectare ensures that the grape is properly matured. All of the above boil down to a special wine with fruity tastes of raspberry, cherry, vanilla and spices and a touch of black chocolate. Its color is intense ruby, similar to a gemstone! It pleasantly accompanies red meats, quarries and mature yellow cheeses. And lest we forget, it’s also a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) product.