What benefits the mind, also benefits the body. That realization is deeply rooted in Greek culture throughout the ages. As ancient Greek philosophers explained, “there is no real difference between a cook and a poet, since the art of both caters to one’s spirit”. If simplicity, quality, quantity and balance are prerequisites for the mind, why shouldn’t it be so accordingly for the body and the art of cooking? These four elements constitute the everlasting merits of Greek gastronomical culture. A cornerstone of that culture is an almost daily consumption of pulses and legumes. Truly a superfood throughout the centuries, even before superfoods were a thing!
Traditional Greek superfood
Pulses and legumes have been served on Greek family tables since time immemorial and are a key component of the traditional Mediterranean diet, that has well documented nutritional and health properties. Pulses are an excellent food for every age due to their high dietary fiber and low lipid content, as well as the presence of various biologically active compounds.

Most important though is their content in proteins, which is of high nutritional value. Umberto Eco has even claimed that when, in the 10th century AD, the cultivation of legumes began to spread in Europe, it had a profound effect on increasing the population that till then suffered from hunger and demographic decline.
Symbiotic relationship
The strongest ally of Greek produce has always been the country’s microclimate. The “terroir” is formed by the unique characteristics that meet up in this part of the world and benefit each and every fruit of the land. Such is the case of west Macedonia in Northern Greece, where there are plenty of small family farms. Local producers, through sheer love of the land live for and from pulses.
Those farmers have been partners of “Arosis”, ever since 1956, namely since a grocer from Kastoria, Thomas Stoyiannidis, got in the pulses business. The company’s philosophy embraces the international phenomenon that is the slow food movement which promotes the concept of “good, clean, fair” food. In other words, our food should be good and aim to please the senses, form part of our general culture and positively contribute to our health.

Yet customers across the world are also concerned about the environmental impact of agriculture, which is why “Arosis” guarantees organic farming and a clean production process during which products do not endanger the environment, the flora, the fauna nor man. And all that taking into account that in times of hardship the price consumers are charged for should be fair as well.
“Arosis” has been exporting Greek legumes to USA since 1986. The last few years the company has expanded its exports to Norway, Sweden, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Canada, China, Cyprus, Qatar, Luxembourg, Bulgaria etc. The goal is to reach every consumer worldwide who is looking for natural, good food produced in small farms under fair conditions.