When it comes to the development of exports enterprises often lose their business logic and start to hope.

For example, they hope that a buyer or an agent which they met in a trade fair will turn out to become a major client and proceed to significant sales.
Or they hope that a request received by mail will be the start of a strong cooperation.
You never know, but for sure this is not the right way to develop sustainable international sales!
There are some basics every company has to respect in order to develop business abroad.

1. Strategy – Which are my target markets and why?

2. Product positioning – Which of my products have the best chances? What are my specific strengths which makes me interesting for buyers?

3. Targets and budget – What are my export targets per year? What budget I need to develop the market?

4. Promotion tools – How can I present my products and my strengths?

5. Client identification – Which are the clients I am interested in?

6. Buyer communication – How and in which time I can approach these buyers efficient and in a professional way?

7. Controlling – What is the feedback from the target market? What adjustments we have to do in order to optimize the market development?

The development of foreign markets has the same requirements as the sales development in your home market. Follow a plan and results will come.