Most store-bought barbeque sauces are loaded with sugar and some brands, especially in USA, still use high fructose corn syrup. They’re also packed with a hefty dose of sodium and added preservatives. “Ode to pomegranate” a Greek company decided to head the other way. Its BBQ sauce delivers admirably on its promise of a “homemade” greek product. Made with pomegranate and grape juice used for natural sweetness, extra flavor and low calories, “Ode to pomegranate” homemade sauce serves as the perfect complement of meat or chicken. Prepared without any sugar, preservatives, colorants and glucose. Contains only fruits and vegetables, even strictly organic upon request. Ingredients include grape juice, pomegranate juice, white vinegar from wine, pomegranate pulp, extra virgin olive oil, salt, coriander, mustard, sweet paprika, black pepper, spicy paprika, curry.